Worldbuilding Diary: Gangs of Elderhearth

-Worldbuilding Diary-


The Patronage Laws

1. One fourth of everything that is earned is the share of the Patron, and it will go to him as monthly tribute – for membership, upkeep and necessities

2. The Proteges will never cross the path of those from the Noble level and anyone in their direct employ.

3. The Proteges are forbidden from killing members of the Law, but if a Protege must defend oneself, then a Protege can fight – but not to kill, only to escape.

4. The Proteges are to not touch the members of the Law; do not steal from them, do not hurt them, do not be friends with them. The Law is to be bribed and exploited – not befriended. The Law is the enemy.

5. If a Protege is caught by the Law, then the Patronate will not act. Proteges who cannot escape the Law of Elderhearth shall be faced with the consequences of their carelesness – and learn their lesson.

6. Protege will not kill Protege; if there is Vengeance or a Blood Feud – it will be handled in front of the Blind Council as a duel to the death.

7. If a Blood Feud cannot be solved in front of the Blind Council – then the Council shall determine the Rules of the Battlefield and the Proteges will go to War.

8. If a War can be avoided – then everything will be done in order to achieve that.

9. The Blind Council has the Right of Say in the Patron's absence.

10. If the Patronage Laws are broken by any one of the Proteges, including the Four Heads of the Blind Council – then, they shall face the wrath and judgement of the Patron – his Word is Law in the Patronate.

The Patron

Anders Baldrick – The Defiant (The Defiant are the Patron's personal gang, akin to his honor guard, his most trusted men and women)

- Anders is a unique man. He was nothing and nobody for a long while, without a presence in the underworld, or anywhere, really. Then, one day – he wins an incredible amount of money at a casino, and not months later, he is calling himself the Patron as he is making his way up the Underground Ladder of Elderhearth. Along his side, he had capable fighters, bloodthirsty murderers, skilled craftsmen, and calculated thinkers, who helped him in ascending to the throne of the Elderhearthian Underworld in a fairly short time. It only took Anders two years to take over the throne from the previous Boss of Bosses, and he did it in a violent, flashy manner. Inviting all the previous Underbosses, and executing the previous Boss in front of everyone. He broke up and reorganized the previous gangs, taking the most capable gang members from all the other gangs and attaching them to his own personal gang – The Defiant, while giving power to the Four Heads, who are now the Four Families, and their own gangs. Everyone is loyal to the Patron, for He rules with a fair hand, where obedience of Law is a must, as well as following a code of honor („There may not be Honor amongst the common folk, but there is Honor among thieves“, he has a habit of saying), but his punishment is severe. If you abide by the Patronate, then the Patronate will bring you many great rewards. However, if you disobey the Patronate, then you will be hounded and hunted across the World – if need be, and be held accountable for your disobedience.

The Four Families

1. Erman „Fox“ Akkaya and his brother Balaban „Wolf“ Akkaya – The Merchants

- The Merchants are like a business family. They all have trader backgrounds, coming from all over Pelaraam, not just Elderhearth – these capable traders, merchants, artisans and the like have developed an entire underground economy through which they regulate market prices, extort shop owners and own a share in the Elderhearth Bazaar (through lowkey official channels due to the fact that The Merchants are not thieves per se, but businessmen that don't stop at anything to have their way). So much so that The Merchants are a valid and feared power within the Merchant City, garnering the respect of even the Overseer of the City. They have almost the entire Merchant City in their pocket, bribing and sweet-talking their way into and out of deals). Fox and Wolf, two brothers who rule The Merchants with an unmatched cunning and ferocity. They grew up as orphans in the Bazaar and were raised by the street – and now, they're the ones who are raising the Bazaar. Oddly enough, until they came, the Bazaar was something of a stagnant, hollow husk, but with Fox and Wolf, it has flourished and for the past few years, people from all over Pelaraam are coming over just to do some trading in the Elderhearthian Bazaar.

(operate mostly on the Merchant and Artisan levels)

The Sapphire Tribe – Lhisha Reynalds „Gemstone“ - As Her name indicates, Lhisha leads the gang of Gemstone enthusiasts, people who deal in precious stones and metals, jewelry, and other luxurious objects of worth. The Sapphire Tribe is known for using external contractors in order to hunt treasures for them, and Lhisha owns the largest Jewelry Shop in all of Elderhearth.

The Onyx Company – Mukhtar Saleem „The Selmani“ - The Selmani is a fearsome merchant and an even more fearsome man. Towering in size and large in girth, this smiling giant hails from the Selman Sultanate, and holds the Bazaar of Elderhearth by the balls. Some even call him The Sultan. He is the man you go to see if you want to open up a shop in the Bazaar, or if you want to start a new business, or if you have to pay your upkeep. And everyone knows, if you don't respect the Sultan's rule, you won't have a pleasant time.

The Golden Scales – Jindo Asukawa „Goldeneye“ - Jindo is an Osakyoan with hands capable of disassembling and assembling the most complex of machines. He is an engineer and a craftsman, with a knack for business. His skill in his craft makes him the most sought after engineer in the Underground world, for he can make anything (and acquire anything of a craftsman nature such as mechanical items and magic items, as well). Due to this, (among the selected few, he is known to run the biggest forging operation inside of Elderhearth, money, documents, whatever you need – he probably has a machine that can do it).

2. Avignon „Reaper“ Mechante – The Hands of Death

- Avignon is a right bastard. He gored and killed his way to becoming one of the Four Heads in the Patron's hierarchy (this is due to the fact that he was the Patron's personal hitman). Now, Avignon, the man responsible for leaving the previous Elderhearthian Underground drenched in blood runs one of the more famous hitmen organizations in Pelaraam. His Assassins are often sought after from far and wide, and some have been said to have gone overseas (but everyone thinks that Avignon is a lying dirtbag). If you want someone killed, and you have the money, you pay a visit to the Hands of Death.

(Assassins, cutthroats, hired thugs, brutalizers, etc)

The White Hand – Ren Phyric „Corpsemaker“ - Third Captain of The Hands of Death, Corpsemaker got his name during the Underworld Uprising some twelve years ago, where he left scores of dead corpses in his wake, as Reaper, the Patron and he murdered their way across the Elderhearthian Underground, as they rose to the top. Corpsemaker is a brutal, barbaric man who kills for sport and joy. His White Hands are problematic due to the fact that he goes out of his way to gather the most insane people he can find, and he picks them from a pool of serial killers, rapists, murderers, and other characters of a bloody, unsavory nature. No one likes them, but they're around to instill fear in the hearts of those who would try to bring the Patronate down.

The Empty Eyes – Aijin Katsumoto „Executioner“ - This cold, ruthless killer got his name because he is the Patron's personal executioner. More often than not, Aijin will be the one who will deliver the Patron's death sentence upon a Sentenced Protege. His Empty Eyes are like agents within the Patronate, and they keep a keen eye on all the gangs within the hierarchy – functioning as a „secret police“ or an inquisition within the Patronate. If you receive a paper with two lidless eyes without pupils, you are marked for death. You can try to run away – but you'll try it in vain. The Executioner will always catch you.

The Nameless – (Name Unknown) „Ghost“

- The Nameless, led by Ghost – is one of the most notorious gangs in Elderhearth. They are practically invisible and sometimes, months can pass without anyone seeing them in the Underworld. They are the Assassins, feared – and for a reason. Some of them were trained in the Selmani Mountains, some developed their skills within Elderhearth, some are ex-special forces – and all of them are deadly combatants that appear and vanish without leaving a trace. The target of a Nameless is dead the moment a Nameless gets the contract. Ghost is the deadliest of them all. Some say he is a master assassin who has the blood of more than two hundred corpses on his hands, others say he is an apparition, some say he is a mage of awesome power...but one thing is certain: The Ghost is a monster; a force to be reckoned with.

3. Elsine „Mother“ Albrecht – The Knife Sisters - The Knife Sisters – in short, are a dangerous sisterhood. Women who are as deadly as they are beautiful. They have their finger on the Elderhearthian brothels. The Sisters are the most numerous gang in all of Elderhearth. If you see an attractive woman that radiates with her beauty, standing somewhere in the corner – eyeing you, stalking you like a hunter stalks prey, then you're probably a rich gentleman in a casino who is about to be rid of all of his possessions through a series of seemingly innocent flirts. They operate inside of almost all gambling dens in Edlerhearth, with their fingers mixed up in the winnings. The Sisters don't care about you, they only care about your money. However, the Sisters have another side to them, a darker side. If you hurt a Sister, and men are known to hurt Sisters – then you better watch out. Elsine is the one who is the brains behind the Sisterhood. A cunning woman who didn't come to where she is by doing nothing. They call her Mother because she treats every Sister as her own daughter. The oldest in the Patronate gives her certain benefits such as being known as the wisest of the Four Heads – she is the Patron's Right Hand, his adviser.

(high society, gambling dens, swindlers, brothels, etc)

The Brass Sisterhood – Minerva Alyar „Sister Mercy“ - Sister Mercy is anything but merciful. She is known as Elsine's partner and lover – even though she is almost 25 years younger than Elsine. Minerva is known as the Soldier, she is Elsine's bodyguard, and a vengeful force that brings her Brass Sisterhood on top of anyone who dares lay a hand on the Sisters. Dangerous and vengeful, you best not get yourself in a situation where you receive judgment from Sister Mercy.

The Bloody Brides – Idriana Rhotundis „Vixen“ - Idriana is the master gambler. She is rumored to be the most beautiful woman in Elderhearth – and her slyness, sharp wit, and intelligence only rival her beauty. She is a Vixen for she bewitches both men and women alike – and then proceeds to steal everything in front of their noses. Idriana owns the largest casino in Elderhearth, a place of great renown, where not just Elderhearthians come to gamble – but other patrons from outside the City as well. The name

Bloody Brides comes from a string of incidents where Idriana had some of her Proteges married off to rich men across Pelaraam – only to return with a large inheritance in their hands – their husbands, dead. The Abandoned – Nereida Rixa „Whisper“ - Nereida is the Madame. She is the woman with connections everywhere, for what better way to learn secrets of powerful men than by having one of your Proteges in his bed? Her name, Whisper, comes from her unique skill that allows her to carry a rumor far and wide in mere hours. If you go to a brothel in Elderhearth, it's almost certain that it's owned by Madame Rixa – and that all the secrets you carry inside with you, have a tendency to escape into the world.

4. Finnian „General“ Bronshaw – The Roaring Flame - Finn is the retired soldier. Due to his horrific injury with the Konquestian barbarians where he had lost his leg – Finn was honorably discharged. Refusing to give in to depression, he sought new enterprises and had found his way into the Elderhearthian Underworld. Being a cripple with military experience isn't all that impressive, but with enough brains, brawn and having seen a lot of human brutality, Finnian understood all the ins and outs of society well enough to wedge himself right into the thick and dirty of Elderhearth's dark corners – where he found himself men capable enough to call his soldiers once again. The Roaring Flame is the Common gang. They deal with the law's brutality, handle small disputes, dish out justice as they see fit, etc. Finnian runs a gang, yes, but he cares about Elderhearth and its people too much to leave them to the mercy of Corpsemaker and his ilk. They steal from the rich and give to the poor. They are as selfless as they are fierce.

(Common Levels, mostly on the Third and First)

The Thunder Hounds – Kandor Taeim „Hammer“ - Kandor is a man with a heart of gold. With nothing but love and care for his kinsmen and kinswomen – he takes care of a lot of those struck by ill fate, poverty, and the like. He is a blacksmith engineer who owns a small Manufactory in the Second City, and the common folk knows that if you need something repaired, or even a Crystalimb attached – Kandor will do it for free. He will take no payment unless you wish to pay him. His Thunder Hounds are all good, hardworking men and women, cast away by society only to find a home in his warm embrace. He embodies the name Roaring Flame, for his greatness is found in his love for the common man, and his ability to radiate such pleasant heat that he can warm up the entire Second City.

The Wrenchmen – Garrion Edic „Anvil“ - Fighting for the rights of the Working class, and those who break their bodies for small wages in order to bring food on the table for their families, Garrion is a force to be reckoned with. He lost all of his limbs in an industrial accident, and now, (some would call him a monstrosity, he

prefers to be called upgraded) he walks around with Crystalimbs. Metallic replacement limbs in place of his arms and legs, Garrion punches with the force of a thousand hammers, and when he walks, everyone knows that the Anvil comes. Since he leads the Wrenchmen, a gang comprised of those from the working class (where accidents are commonplace), a large portion of them has crystalimbs. These were all made (and are being made) in Kandor's manufactory – since Garrion and Kandor are best friends.

The Wrathbones – Vincent Sigilus „Wrathbone“ - The newest addition to The Roaring Flame, Wrathbones are comprised of young people that want to do something for the City, but cannot do it any other way than from the Underworld. School dropouts, teenage delinquents and the like, they all find their home with the Wrathbones. A place where they can funnel their anger at the world and make a difference fighting for the people of Elderhearth, instead of fighting against them. Both Kandor and Garrion are trying to mentor these youth – albeit unsuccessfully since Vincent is an angry man who just wants to destroy instead of build. It's a very straining process, since those who feel like they want to do good break off from the Wrathbones and join either the Wrenchmen or the Thunder Hounds. In the last few months, the Wrathbones have been nothing but trouble – raking up a staggering amount of indecent and violent acts, police reports, arrests and such. And with a man who defies The General because of how hotheaded he is, there has been some tension in the Roaring Flame.

Independent Gangs

In order to become an Independent Gang, one must do one of two things: 1. Pay the Sum. The Patron declares an incredible price, so high that it can be called Noble-level money. If the Candidate cannot Pay the Sum, then the Candidate is offered a second choice.

2. Do the Impossible Task. The Patron declares an Impossible Task, a heist or a task of such crazy proportion that, even hearing it, makes any Candidate quit immediately. However, if the Candidate Pays the Sum or completes the Impossible Task, the Candidate is allowed to run an Independent Gang, with the only rule being to abide the Patronage Laws.

However, if the Candidate cannot Pay the Sum or complete the Impossible Task, then the Candidate is offered another choice: join one of the existing gangs and work from there. The Patronate doesn't want to leave willing Candidates without a chance, so through this, a Candidate can become a Protege. When a Candidate joins one of the Families, they are to abide by the Family's Tradition and the Patronage Laws both.

Andreas Ventari „The Reckoner“ – Sons of Rage

(Independent Gang, operate all over Elderhearth, known for their violent antics and the fact that there are a lot of mages in their employ)

Sons of Rage have only existed for the last three years, but they have reached legendary status. They Paid the Sum and acquired themselves a position as an Independent Gang. From being an independent gang alone to breaking almost all of the Patronage Laws (and somehow not provoking the Patron or the Blind Council), these troublemakers comprised of mages have set their sights on infiltrating every walk of Elderhearthian society and inciting fear in the hearts of the people. Most are afraid of them due to their incredible power (coming from the mages), and it is no secret that many of the Proteges think that the Sons of Rage are actually the urban myth – Hand of Trinity.

Astaroth Artis „Art“ – The Syndicate

(Independent Gang, operate all over Elderhearth, known for their legendary skill regarding heists)

The Syndicate is the only gang, ever since the Patron became the Boss of Bosses, to complete the Impossible Task. Their prowess and skill with heists is so legendary that in the short time they have existed within the Elderhearthian Underworld, they have already reached notoriety and renown.
